Meet the Torsy's
Recently, I came to the pulpit to teach and made the statement, "It's so good to be here tonight with just the family. I feel I can just let my hair down and preach." It wasn't until the next morning as my husband and I talked that I realized that within the congregation that evening, we had new converts, a couple sweet visitors we'd invited, and saints from every walk of life you can imagine.
There was such variety and so many different levels of growth. I don't know why but in that moment, I truly felt I was home surrounded by the precious people of God. It didn't matter how long they had been part of the congregation; there was simply a unity of love and hope as men, women, and children gathered at the feet of Jesus.
The more I disciple others and the more mentors I adopt to guide me, the more I want to cling to these precious saints of God, sharing encouragement, worshiping together, bearing one another's burdens, fasting and praying together until the Lord comes.
This site is meant as a source of encouragement for those we've met in our travels and our ministry. We're so thankful for each and every one of you. Thank you all so much for the prayer, the blessings, the guidance, and the support you have poured into our ministry and our family.