Oh That I Might Know Him - Bible Study Course

Do You Know Him?

Oh, That I Might Know Him is a bible study I developed a couple years back to assist our church in building a knowledge of the bible and God's nature as portrayed through scripture.

As scripture says, there is a danger in "ever learning, but not being able to come to the knowledge of the truth" (2 Timothy 3:7). We must know Him!

This study covers the scriptures from Genesis to Jude with some ventures into Revelation. (It is limited regarding Revelation because I feel that Rev. Irwin Baxter has such amazing bible studies on that book already!) The study delves into archaeology, foreshadowing, astronomy as it applies to biblical events and scripture, culture of Israel and its peers, and many more fascinating elements intertwined in the scriptures.

From video presentation to the actual articles of biblical discoveries you can hold in your hands, you'll be shocked just how much the Bible--the entire Bible--impacts your day-to-day life!

The study includes a study guide, complete with news articles, maps, miniature bible studies you can use yourself, and outlines for each lesson.

NOTE  To download the study guide, you'll need to enroll in the next study session and enter your password, which you'll receive at registration! See you soon...or again, if this is your second or third time!

Oh That I Might Know Him Study Guide 
Coming Soon! For now, please collect your study guide from Sister Torsy in class!

Sneak Peak 

Lesson 1: Importance of the Word and History/Comparisons of Bible Translations

Lesson 2: Overview of the Old Testament, First and Second Dispensations

Lesson 3: Archeologists and Where the Ark May Be Today (Video-Based: You decide, based on the evidence and discussion)

Lesson 4: Dispensation of Promise and How That Promise Affects Us Today

Lesson 5: Archeologists and Sodom and Gomorrah (Video-Based: You decide, based on the evidence and discussion)

Lesson 6: Scripture Versus Archeology: A Study in Good Vs. Bad Resources

Lesson 7: Moses, the Plagues, and How They Impacted Egypt Historically

Lesson 8: The Red Sea Crossing and Mt. Sinai (Video-Based: You decide, based on the evidence and discussion)

Lesson 9: The Tabernacle and New Testament Salvation

Lesson 10: Transition from Promise to Wilderness

Lesson 11: Samuel and the Kings of the United Kingdom

Lesson 12: New Testament Overview and the Birth of the Messiah

Lesson 13: The Star: What Was It? (Video-Based: You decide, based on the evidence and discussion)

Lesson 14: Jesus' Ministry and Crucifixion

Lesson 15: Crucifixion: The Medical View (Video-Based)

Lesson 16: Jesus' Resurrection and Ascension, the Identity of the One God in Christ, Baptism and the Infilling of the Holy Ghost

Lesson 17: Holiness Part 1 - The Epistles and Biblical Principle in Application

Lesson 18: Holiness Part 2 - The Epistles and Biblical Principle in Application

Lesson 19: Holiness Part 3 - The Epistles and Biblical Principle in Application

Lesson 20: The Rise and Fall of the Christian Church up to Today

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